June 9, 1938 The Muscatine Journal and News-Tribune from Muscatine, Iowa
MARRIAGE PERFORMED FOR KNOXVILLE PAIR Lucille Shirley Bowermaster and Francis J. Einhaus, both of Knoxville, Wednesday II!., were married afternoon in the office of Justice of the Peace Lawrence J. Pcrigo. Hilda Bowermaster and William Lichner were the witnesses. was celebrated Tuesday.
Growing up, my father?s sister was a petite whirlwind, tenacious in her principles but always loving, with her ubiquitous turquoise jewelry bringing a bit of Western glamor whenever she'd visit her farmtown family in Illinois. When Shakespeare wrote the line from A Midsummer Night's Dream "Though she is little, she is fierce," he had in mind a woman like my aunt.
She had a heart surgery and the valve they replaced was spitting out so they did another surgery a couple blood transfusions. But unfortunately she ended up in Hospice with 4 infections, her organs shutting down, her heart working over time, she did not eat or drink for 8 days there, they kept her comfortable with pain meds
her last two months of her life were very painful. They did bring her home but she suffered many seizures so many she became non verbal and immobile. She passed away 8/8/2021 at approximately 10pm in Tucson, Arizona.